Penetrant Line
Penetrant line is of stainless-steel construction, manufactured in the UK with detailed finishing touches portable, easy to move around and simple to re-site if required, easy to install and requires low maintenance. The penetrant line dip tank also features a roller section to reduce manual handling of parts for penetrant application. The penetrant line will come complete with pressure gauges, regulators, and guns for both compressed air and water. Wash tank is fitted out with air and water guns with pressure gauges along with fixture to aid processing rings and splash guards. Developer tank has air gun and pressure gauge fitted along with a timed interlocking system. Oven is a front-loading state-of-the-art oven which meets all NADCAP, customer and other governing body requirements.
Stock item ready to be delivered next day and can be viewed at our show room any time.
Can sell as Individual items or rental option if short term solution to cover break downs of equipment is needed or a sudden increase in capacity is required. Options extras such as penetrant consumables and UV lights can be purchased with the penetrant line.